出發日 12/19: 飛機上能一個人睡三個位子,半夜來了三次餐點 (囧 機餐超難吃)
12/20: 四個月的重逢,經過紅燈區^^,《Australia》好看但時差!!!看得超想在電影院裡睡
12/21: 體會買衣服有快感,當你無須煩惱上限= =+ 梵谷博物館...恩恩
12/22: 在Anne Frank House,第一次看博物館看到想哭*^_^*(好悲喔)
12/23: 布魯塞爾中午一頓吃大陸移民煮的日本料理、世界法庭、戴夫特陶瓷工廠(小無聊)
12/24: 在Maastricht拜訪我妹學校,全家人在我妹宿舍煮火鍋慶耶誕夜
12/25: 提早到陸特丹,哪知商家休耶誕XD,12/25、26集體休假,晚上在旅館看《Sound Of Music》,很滿足^^
12/26: 搭郵輪遊陸特丹港,船上一小時觀光,我有五十五分鐘在看小說(這一個小時4人/1500NT)
12/27: 早上爸媽瘋狂採購,瘋狂Check Out,瘋狂從陸特丹到阿姆斯特丹到機場趕下午兩點班機,哪知華航延誤起飛七小時XDXD,晚上九點才搭機離開,我則在荷蘭多呆一天= =+
12/28: 阿姆斯特丹的禮拜天早晨很無聊,早早到飛機場等待登機。
荷蘭商店上班時間禮拜一到五10:00-18:00 六10:30-17:00 日11:00-17:00(這是有開的店)
Welcome to my blog
2008年12月29日 星期一
節錄 體會
Miyuki Miyabe
Miyuki Miyabe
2008年12月19日 星期五
社會使然? 還是純粹想利用他人無知的濃妝 掩蓋空虛的內心?
思想總是奔放的 想像成為夢想演化為遐想淪落為妄想
時間的河 慢慢的流 直到乾涸後 遺留下來的石頭 鑄記著當時的想念
我也想朝著無涯的大海 即便思緒之石磨成灰 終究轉化為回憶
但為何湍急的支流 沒辦法將我心中壓抑的那顆重石移走呢?
再接再勵吧 裝得更堅強吧 我會等待 希冀
社會使然? 還是純粹想利用他人無知的濃妝 掩蓋空虛的內心?
思想總是奔放的 想像成為夢想演化為遐想淪落為妄想
時間的河 慢慢的流 直到乾涸後 遺留下來的石頭 鑄記著當時的想念
我也想朝著無涯的大海 即便思緒之石磨成灰 終究轉化為回憶
但為何湍急的支流 沒辦法將我心中壓抑的那顆重石移走呢?
再接再勵吧 裝得更堅強吧 我會等待 希冀
2008年12月18日 星期四
別れの季節に揺れる 儚き一輪が
同じ温もりの風を 誰もが探して歩いてる
出会いはそれに流れる おぼろ雲の下で
ゆっくりとゆっくりと 回り始める
短い針が君なら 長い針が僕で
同じ時間を刻みながら 何度もすれ違いまた出会い
歩く歩幅は違っても 描く未来が同じなら
大丈夫また同じ場所から 始められるから
がんばったけどだめだったね 負けちゃったけどカッコよかったね
色んな種をもらった 言葉が心にうすろいでる
短い春に咲く夢 長い冬を越えて
心の奥に集めた種は どんな光で育つのだろう
歩道の影に咲く花 誰のためにあるのだろう
誰のためでもないよと輝く 君に照らされてる
想いが言葉に変わるよ 言葉が光を呼んでる
光がほら影をつくる 影で人は強くなれる
強さが優しさに変わる 優しさが出会いを呼んでる
出会いが道をつくる この道にまた思いを刻む
短い針が止まれば 長い針も止まる
同じ痛みを分け合えること いつしか喜びに変わるから
誰もが一人一つ一瞬一秒一度きり 巻き戻せない時も
ためらわず生きてゆく そんな出会いを探してる
絢香Xコブクロ 2nd Collaboration
さっきまで泣いてた君が 今隣で笑ってる
少し先に待ってたこの未来に たどり着けてよかった
「君を傷つけたくない」 この言葉に逃げていた
本当は誰よりも自分が一番で 傷つくのが怖くて
今夜 孤独と自由を果てにして
壊れそうな心の止まりには あなたとかけた願い
出会ったあの日の夢を見た 手を繋げないまま2人
笑い声がただ時を繋いだ 未来なんてまだ見えなかった
目が覚めて君想えば 掌にこぼれ落ちた
あの日のぬくもり そっとひっくり返して
あふれた涙に 目を閉じて
どんな 些細な痛みも分け合って
とぎれそうな心も抱きしめて あなたの側にいたい
どんな 孤独も自由も果てにして
壊れそうな心の隣には あなたとえがく未来
どんな 些細な痛みも分け合って
とぎれそうな心も抱きしめて あなたの側にいたい
明日も 側にいたい
Next on コブクロ:時の足音
2008年12月17日 星期三
完整版 7:50
碧々とした 夜空の下で
あなたが見てた 後ろ恋姿
時折見せる 無邪気な寝顔
あたしが見てた 恋しい姿
雨降る時の 交わしたキスは
つながれていく 2人の姿
あの頃のふたりを 今 春 めぐり逢う
2人の笑顔 恋愛写真
你所看見的 愛情的背影
不時流露的 天真無邪的睡容
我所看見的 心愛的模樣
下雨的時候 交換的吻
連結了 兩人的模樣
兩人的笑容 戀愛寫真
屁股就開始痛了 ~~
看看經過的地方吧 爾後有機會詳述
淡水漁人碼頭->延濱海經過福隆->富貴角->宜蘭->羅東->蘇花公路延濱海->清水斷崖->太魯閣->天祥(燕子口 白楊步道 九曲洞)->花蓮自強夜市->吉安壽豐車票get->北迴歸線->瑞穗紅葉溫泉->瑞穗牧場->北迴歸線池上便當->六十石山(金針山)->小野柳->知本溫泉->太麻里日出->屏東友子阿嬤家->鵝鸞鼻燈塔->屏東南灣->墾丁夜市->海角七號取景地(阿嘉的家 郵局 西門)->屏東土地公廟(啥宮的XD)->台南花園夜市->永保安康get->阿里山(天長地久橋 奮起湖便當)->阿里山國家公園區內(流星雨 看日出 神木 玉山遠觀 森林步道 小火車)->東南亞地區最高seven,hilife,starbucksXD->下山->集集->彰化市區->鹿港天后宮->鹿港老街(夜市 丁家大宅 龍山寺 玉珍齋)->北衝->新竹廟口->桃園龜山->台北!!!!!!!!!!
屁股就開始痛了 ~~
看看經過的地方吧 爾後有機會詳述
淡水漁人碼頭->延濱海經過福隆->富貴角->宜蘭->羅東->蘇花公路延濱海->清水斷崖->太魯閣->天祥(燕子口 白楊步道 九曲洞)->花蓮自強夜市->吉安壽豐車票get->北迴歸線->瑞穗紅葉溫泉->瑞穗牧場->北迴歸線池上便當->六十石山(金針山)->小野柳->知本溫泉->太麻里日出->屏東友子阿嬤家->鵝鸞鼻燈塔->屏東南灣->墾丁夜市->海角七號取景地(阿嘉的家 郵局 西門)->屏東土地公廟(啥宮的XD)->台南花園夜市->永保安康get->阿里山(天長地久橋 奮起湖便當)->阿里山國家公園區內(流星雨 看日出 神木 玉山遠觀 森林步道 小火車)->東南亞地區最高seven,hilife,starbucksXD->下山->集集->彰化市區->鹿港天后宮->鹿港老街(夜市 丁家大宅 龍山寺 玉珍齋)->北衝->新竹廟口->桃園龜山->台北!!!!!!!!!!
2008年6月7日 星期六
我真的不太了解世事吧 人為什麼可以冷血
為什麼會忌妒 為什麼偽善
劈頭而來只有殘酷的嘩笑 跟無恥的竊語時
沒有一些成熟思維 毫無躲開暗箭的警覺
但在反覆無情的攻訐下 除了黯淡的繼續拖著疲憊身段行走外
風聲鶴唳 牽一髮而動全身的環境中
同袍嗎? 還是一群群的小團體在鉤心鬥角
團結嗎? 還是明哲保身而為了生存下去只能合作
因為我抓到那平衡木 人與人交接的地平線
卻無力 不想 害怕 援助陷入泥淖的所謂 兄弟...
我真的不太了解世事吧 人為什麼可以冷血
為什麼會忌妒 為什麼偽善
劈頭而來只有殘酷的嘩笑 跟無恥的竊語時
沒有一些成熟思維 毫無躲開暗箭的警覺
但在反覆無情的攻訐下 除了黯淡的繼續拖著疲憊身段行走外
風聲鶴唳 牽一髮而動全身的環境中
同袍嗎? 還是一群群的小團體在鉤心鬥角
團結嗎? 還是明哲保身而為了生存下去只能合作
因為我抓到那平衡木 人與人交接的地平線
卻無力 不想 害怕 援助陷入泥淖的所謂 兄弟...
2008年4月26日 星期六
2008年4月13日 星期日
2008年4月12日 星期六
愛慕虛榮 欺善怕惡 苟且偷生 心懷鬼胎 不求甚解
人所謂的缺點 人所謂的借鏡 人所謂的"過"
在紛亂無邊的世界中心 虛偽的表皮到底在背後隱藏了多少陰暗?
看似光明磊落的個性 殷勤謙卑的姿態
俗說的一句話 人可知面不知心
難道為顯現的真實情感可以為花言巧語的華麗 似川急逝嗎?
人生的路途總會有些花朵 難免摘的時候會有刺
何不親近落葉和綠草 而慕視花瓣?
芥蒂可能會逐漸增長 但總比傻傻當作笨蛋指使來得實在
人所謂的缺點 人所謂的借鏡 人所謂的"過"
在紛亂無邊的世界中心 虛偽的表皮到底在背後隱藏了多少陰暗?
看似光明磊落的個性 殷勤謙卑的姿態
俗說的一句話 人可知面不知心
難道為顯現的真實情感可以為花言巧語的華麗 似川急逝嗎?
人生的路途總會有些花朵 難免摘的時候會有刺
何不親近落葉和綠草 而慕視花瓣?
芥蒂可能會逐漸增長 但總比傻傻當作笨蛋指使來得實在
He has never thrown a no-hitter, like Clay Buchholz, or had a shutdown performance in the World Series, like Josh Beckett. He never captured the imaginations of Yankees fans as an electrifying rookie, like Phil Hughes, and he is not as accomplished as Mike Mussina, Andy Pettitte or Curt Schilling.
But there is no pitcher in the majors with as many victories as Chien-Ming Wang since the start of the 2006 season. He is efficient and dependable for the Yankees, a quiet, stoic and steady presence in their rivalry with the Boston Red Sox. When the teams met at Fenway Park on Friday for the first time this season, it was Wang who took over.
“He’s become the ace of our staff, there’s no doubt about it, and tonight he pitched as well as anybody could pitch,” Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman said. “He seems to be refining his repertoire on how to attack hitters, and that’s a great thing. Right now, he’s at the top of his game.”
“I feel especially good about this one because I threw it in Boston, and before, I didn’t do very well in Boston,” Wang said through an interpreter. “So I think this is my best game so far.”
“They just didn’t look comfortable,” Giambi said. “Boston is almost an exact mirror team as us — guys who take a lot of pitches, take their walks and do a lot of damage by hitting home runs. He threw a lot of strikes and caught them off-guard.”
Wang used 93 pitches to silence the Red Sox, who had seen 212 pitches Thursday against Detroit. He faced two batters over the minimum, and for eight and two-thirds innings, Boston’s only hit was a fifth-inning homer by J. D. Drew that just eluded Bobby Abreu at the wall in right-center field.
Coco Crisp added a bunt single with two outs in the ninth, but Dustin Pedroia lined to left to end the game. It was the fourth career complete game for Wang, who is 3-0 so far and 41-13 over the past three seasons. He called this start the best of his career.
But there is no pitcher in the majors with as many victories as Chien-Ming Wang since the start of the 2006 season. He is efficient and dependable for the Yankees, a quiet, stoic and steady presence in their rivalry with the Boston Red Sox. When the teams met at Fenway Park on Friday for the first time this season, it was Wang who took over.
“He’s become the ace of our staff, there’s no doubt about it, and tonight he pitched as well as anybody could pitch,” Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman said. “He seems to be refining his repertoire on how to attack hitters, and that’s a great thing. Right now, he’s at the top of his game.”
“I feel especially good about this one because I threw it in Boston, and before, I didn’t do very well in Boston,” Wang said through an interpreter. “So I think this is my best game so far.”
“They just didn’t look comfortable,” Giambi said. “Boston is almost an exact mirror team as us — guys who take a lot of pitches, take their walks and do a lot of damage by hitting home runs. He threw a lot of strikes and caught them off-guard.”
Wang used 93 pitches to silence the Red Sox, who had seen 212 pitches Thursday against Detroit. He faced two batters over the minimum, and for eight and two-thirds innings, Boston’s only hit was a fifth-inning homer by J. D. Drew that just eluded Bobby Abreu at the wall in right-center field.
Coco Crisp added a bunt single with two outs in the ninth, but Dustin Pedroia lined to left to end the game. It was the fourth career complete game for Wang, who is 3-0 so far and 41-13 over the past three seasons. He called this start the best of his career.
"It is a sad thing to think of, but there is no doubt that Genius lasts longer than Beauty. That accounts for the fact that we all take such pains to over-educate ourselves. In the wild struggle for existence, we want to have something that endures, and so we fill our minds with rubbish and facts, in the silly hope of keeping our place. The thoroughly well-informed man---that is the modern ideal. And the mind of the thoroughly well-informed man is a dreadful thing. It is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust,with everything priced above it's proper value. I think you will tire first, all the same."
The Picture Of Dorian Gray (p14)
The Picture Of Dorian Gray (p14)
2008年4月11日 星期五
Correia pitches gem, Lewis doubles and triples in Giants' 5-1 win over Cards
Kevin Correia's latest start became all the more impressive considering his current state of health.
Down 12 pounds to 188 because of a stomach bug last week, Correia didn't let it show that he's still a little weak and trying to regain his strength.
He carried a shutout into the eighth inning in one of his best starts yet, leading the San Francisco Giants past the St. Louis Cardinals 5-1 on Thursday night for their third straight victory.
"My body is still taxed," Correia said. "My velocity was a little down. But I got a lot of quick outs. ... I got behind some guys but I made some good pitches and made the right pitches at the right times to make it a pretty good outing."
Correia (1-1) allowed five hits in 7 2-3 innings, struck out four, walked two and also singled for the Giants, who are on a little roll after losing six of their first seven games.
Correia allowed only four baserunners past first, including on Izturis' third-inning double that he tried to stretch into a triple only to be thrown out. The pitcher's seventh-inning single was his first hit since April 30, 2007, and the seventh of his career.
最佳打者: Bengie Molina .289AVG 3HR 8RBI
最佳投手: Tim Lincecum 1-0 1.80ERA 10IP 11K
Kevin Correia's latest start became all the more impressive considering his current state of health.
Down 12 pounds to 188 because of a stomach bug last week, Correia didn't let it show that he's still a little weak and trying to regain his strength.
He carried a shutout into the eighth inning in one of his best starts yet, leading the San Francisco Giants past the St. Louis Cardinals 5-1 on Thursday night for their third straight victory.
"My body is still taxed," Correia said. "My velocity was a little down. But I got a lot of quick outs. ... I got behind some guys but I made some good pitches and made the right pitches at the right times to make it a pretty good outing."
Correia (1-1) allowed five hits in 7 2-3 innings, struck out four, walked two and also singled for the Giants, who are on a little roll after losing six of their first seven games.
Correia allowed only four baserunners past first, including on Izturis' third-inning double that he tried to stretch into a triple only to be thrown out. The pitcher's seventh-inning single was his first hit since April 30, 2007, and the seventh of his career.
最佳打者: Bengie Molina .289AVG 3HR 8RBI
最佳投手: Tim Lincecum 1-0 1.80ERA 10IP 11K
2008年4月6日 星期日
"人" 心有感(4/6)
欣然 拘泥 謊言 慚愧 憂急 憤慨 無奈
人可以為些微的變動牽連神經下意識的活化 造成人類偏差行為出現
人為自私 時而忘我 時而放縱
但要我重拾那種滋味 抱歉我敬謝不敏
這是最佳結尾吧...(未完 開始旅程)
人可以為些微的變動牽連神經下意識的活化 造成人類偏差行為出現
人為自私 時而忘我 時而放縱
但要我重拾那種滋味 抱歉我敬謝不敏
這是最佳結尾吧...(未完 開始旅程)
2008年4月5日 星期六
今天運勢天秤第二各五顆星拿了四顆(但...= =)
総合運: 家族と過ごす時間を大切にすることで運気上昇。
總合運: 如果珍惜跟家人相處的時間的話 運氣會上升
但我家人這兩天都不會在家 怎提升...
愛情運: 恋人とはテンションが高まりデートが盛り上がりそう。
沒女朋友...= ="
金 運: 入ってきた金は自己啓発や自己投資に使うと◎。
金運:入庫的金錢如果依自己啟發或投資而使用的話 可以賺得更多
今天確實薪資入庫喔 但得等到禮拜一才會顯現在存摺上ㄒ_ㄒ
仕事運: ここでひとふん張りすれば、成果は必ず上がる!
事業運:這時只要多一分努力 一定可以提高成果
事業? 這詞還要等一會兒吧 如果現在這也算的話 但今天休假...
総合運: 家族と過ごす時間を大切にすることで運気上昇。
總合運: 如果珍惜跟家人相處的時間的話 運氣會上升
但我家人這兩天都不會在家 怎提升...
愛情運: 恋人とはテンションが高まりデートが盛り上がりそう。
沒女朋友...= ="
金 運: 入ってきた金は自己啓発や自己投資に使うと◎。
金運:入庫的金錢如果依自己啟發或投資而使用的話 可以賺得更多
今天確實薪資入庫喔 但得等到禮拜一才會顯現在存摺上ㄒ_ㄒ
仕事運: ここでひとふん張りすれば、成果は必ず上がる!
事業運:這時只要多一分努力 一定可以提高成果
事業? 這詞還要等一會兒吧 如果現在這也算的話 但今天休假...
2008年4月4日 星期五
"人" 心有感(4/4)
快樂是什麼? 渴望是什麼?
是她回首一視 淡淡釋出的一抹微笑
還是望著無邊天際的夕陽 將陰濕的雨雲放逐至耀眼星空的背後?
妄想 幻覺 主觀意念
人被自己生活的陰霾 貪婪的個性繫住
僅有利益與實質的獲得才是快樂嗎? 不 這是"欲"
今天體驗了那各時候 當年也是這樣
兒時揮灑汗水時 大學在那寧靜的教室時 中午的小雨煥發出艷陽時
那是快樂 那是樸實而無瑕的歡欣
今天晚上在那公車上 我體驗了快樂
"人很容易滿足" 我的思慮奔馳 我的心底充實
迎接未來的考驗吧! 人樂觀的存在著 就是蒐集快樂時光 延續對生命的期待...(未完)
是她回首一視 淡淡釋出的一抹微笑
還是望著無邊天際的夕陽 將陰濕的雨雲放逐至耀眼星空的背後?
妄想 幻覺 主觀意念
人被自己生活的陰霾 貪婪的個性繫住
僅有利益與實質的獲得才是快樂嗎? 不 這是"欲"
今天體驗了那各時候 當年也是這樣
兒時揮灑汗水時 大學在那寧靜的教室時 中午的小雨煥發出艷陽時
那是快樂 那是樸實而無瑕的歡欣
今天晚上在那公車上 我體驗了快樂
"人很容易滿足" 我的思慮奔馳 我的心底充實
迎接未來的考驗吧! 人樂觀的存在著 就是蒐集快樂時光 延續對生命的期待...(未完)
コブクロ <桜>
名もない花には名前をつけましょう この世に一つしかない
冬の寒さに打ちひしがれないように 誰かの声でまた起き上がれるように
土の中で眠る命のかたまり アスファルト押しのけて
会うたびにいつも 会えない時の寂しさ
分けあう二人 太陽と月のようで
実のならない花も 蕾のまま散る花も
あなたと誰かのこれからを 春の風を浴びて見てる
桜の花びら散るたびに 届かぬ思いがまた一つ
涙と笑顔に消されてく そしてまた大人になった
追いかけるだけの悲しみは 強く清らかな悲しみは
無くさないで 君の中に 咲く Love
街の中見かけた君は寂しげに 人ごみに紛れてた
あの頃の 澄んだ瞳の奥の輝き 時の速さに汚されてしまわぬように
何も話さないで 言葉にならないはずさ
流した涙は雨となり 僕の心の傷いやす
人はみな 心の岸辺に 手放したくない花がある
それはたくましい花じゃなく 儚く揺れる 一輪花
花びらの数と同じだけ 生きていく強さを感じる
嵐 吹く 風に打たれても やまない雨は無いはずと
桜の花びら散るたびに 届かぬ思いがまた一つ
涙と笑顔に消されてく そしてまた大人になった
追いかけるだけの悲しみは 強く清らかな悲しみは
君の中に 僕の中に 咲く Love
名も無い花には名前をつけましょう この世に一つしかない
冬の寒さに打ちひしがれないように 誰かの声でまた起き上がれるように
2008年4月3日 星期四
"人" 心有感(4/3)
人真是個奇怪的動物 以前這樣想
對於某些人總是抱持著自己一貫的偏見 堅持自己的刻版印象
腦中思考的並非單純的溝通交流 各取所需
而是發自內心的鄙夷無視 自負傲慢
即便口中吐出的東西華麗悅心 其實較垃圾還不如
在層層皮膚覆蓋的臉皮上 到底有多少陰暗邪妄思想藏在裏頭 沒有他人能夠猜測
當人們互相開始懷疑 則原本信為基礎的社會群眾 義為理念的環境
將在猜忌和疑竇中化為煙霧 把自己之外的人們包圍 猶如隔離室般阻絕任何接觸
挑撥 謊言 事實 誠致 被自己的主觀想像歸類操作失去判斷
到底什麼是真實? 心理能在世論頻繁的社會中保持純淨嗎?
到最後 可以肯定連本身的觀感在團體內都是正常的嗎?
他的思考又怎樣? 他又是怎樣看我?
人真是個奇怪的動物 現在還是這樣想...(未完)
對於某些人總是抱持著自己一貫的偏見 堅持自己的刻版印象
腦中思考的並非單純的溝通交流 各取所需
而是發自內心的鄙夷無視 自負傲慢
即便口中吐出的東西華麗悅心 其實較垃圾還不如
在層層皮膚覆蓋的臉皮上 到底有多少陰暗邪妄思想藏在裏頭 沒有他人能夠猜測
當人們互相開始懷疑 則原本信為基礎的社會群眾 義為理念的環境
將在猜忌和疑竇中化為煙霧 把自己之外的人們包圍 猶如隔離室般阻絕任何接觸
挑撥 謊言 事實 誠致 被自己的主觀想像歸類操作失去判斷
到底什麼是真實? 心理能在世論頻繁的社會中保持純淨嗎?
到最後 可以肯定連本身的觀感在團體內都是正常的嗎?
他的思考又怎樣? 他又是怎樣看我?
人真是個奇怪的動物 現在還是這樣想...(未完)

4/2 Yankees' First Victory in a Season of Lasts
“You get seven from Wang and one from Joba and Mariano,” catcher Jorge Posada said. “That’s what we need to do all year.”
Wang allowed six hits and two runs in seven innings, and Chamberlain struck out his final two hitters in the eighth, twirling and punching the sky after pumping a 97-mile-an-hour fastball past Frank Thomas.
Wang, who was blitzed twice by Cleveland in the playoff loss last fall, was shaky in spring training as he developed his slider and changeup. But he was sharp on Tuesday, using the slider for his two strikeouts and his usual sinker for most of the rest.
Girardi kept him in with two out and a runner on third in the seventh, and Wang need just one pitch to get an inning-ending grounder from David Eckstein.
“You want to look a guy in the eyes and see what he has,” Girardi said. “And I liked what I saw.”(NY Times)
王建民開季第一場獲首勝 投球內容扎實 7.0IP 6H 2ER 2BB 2K 滾飛比13-6 維持一般水準 春訓打不好的陰影已經過去了 現在目標邁向二十勝
投球內容: 5.2IP 1H 1K 2BB 0.00ERA
4/3郭泓志披掛上陣 投三局無失分(巨人對道奇)
The Dodgers announced less than 20 minutes before game time that Hong-Chih Kuo would start on the mound in place of Chad Billingsley due to the threat of inclement weather. (ESPN)
The idea was to have Hong-Chih Kuo, in his first regular-season appearance since his fourth elbow operation, warm up fast and pitch until an anticipated rain delay. Torre said he personally notified Giants manager Bruce Bochy of the reason for the late change and Bochy thought it was such a good idea, he did the same thing with his scheduled starter, Tim Lincecum, tabbing Merkin Valdez instead.
Kuo gave the Dodgers three scoreless innings.(Dodgers.com)
投球內容: 3.0IP 1H 3BB 3K 0.00ERA
4/1,4/2 胡金龍四月一號打出一支安打 二號代跑得一分但一打數無安打
總計: 本季 AB:2 H:1 R:1 AVG:.500

4/1 Torre wins Dodgers debut as L.A. roughs up Zito
Zito allowed four runs and eight hits in five innings.
Zito:"The first inning was obviously not what we wanted," he said. "Furcal's a free-swinger and he hit a pitch that was at his shoulder, basically, and the ball stayed fair somehow. The pitch to Kent was a fastball away that just came over the middle, and I think that was the difference right there. I wanted to come out here and start off the season on a good note, but that first inning got out of hand. If I could take a couple of pitches back, it's a one-run game."(5-0 L)
Notes: SP Zito 5.0IP 8H 4ER 7.20ERA ,H Rowand 2-3 .667
4/2 Young's infield hit with two outs in ninth scores Furcal, lifts Dodgers
Mariano Duncan, coaching third because Larry Bowa had been ejected earlier in the game, waved Furcal around as San Francisco second baseman Ray Durham made a sliding stop of Young's sharp grounder between first and second before throwing late to first base. Furcal never stopped, sliding around the tag of catcher Bengie Molina to beat first baseman Rich Aurilia's throw home.
"I knew [Furcal] was going to go," Aurilia said. "As soon as I saw Ray bobble the ball, I said, 'I have to get off the bag and get to the ball.' Ray made a great stop, just not good enough right now."(3-2 L)
Notes: SP Cain 5.2IP 3H 4BB 5K 0.00ERA ,H Rowand 2-4 1R
4/3 Lincecum debuts, scores go-ahead run in Giants' win
Lincecum (1-0) threw 84 pitches over four innings, allowing a run and four hits with four walks and four strikeouts. The right-hander got his biggest out when Russell Martin took a called third strike with the bases loaded to end the seventh.
"I was just throwing a slider right there on 2-2. I really wasn't trying to spot anything up. I was hoping to get him to chase. But it worked out for the better."
The relief outing was the first in the majors for Lincecum, who made 24 starts last season as a rookie.
"It was a little different, of course, but at the same time I've got to listen to what they say," Lincecum said. "Whether it's out of the bullpen or starting, I've got to approach it the same way."(2-1 W)
Notes: RP Lincecum 4.0IP 4H 1ER 4BB 4K 2.25ERA ,H Winn 1-3 1H 1R 1BB 1K
Zito allowed four runs and eight hits in five innings.
Zito:"The first inning was obviously not what we wanted," he said. "Furcal's a free-swinger and he hit a pitch that was at his shoulder, basically, and the ball stayed fair somehow. The pitch to Kent was a fastball away that just came over the middle, and I think that was the difference right there. I wanted to come out here and start off the season on a good note, but that first inning got out of hand. If I could take a couple of pitches back, it's a one-run game."(5-0 L)
Notes: SP Zito 5.0IP 8H 4ER 7.20ERA ,H Rowand 2-3 .667
4/2 Young's infield hit with two outs in ninth scores Furcal, lifts Dodgers
Mariano Duncan, coaching third because Larry Bowa had been ejected earlier in the game, waved Furcal around as San Francisco second baseman Ray Durham made a sliding stop of Young's sharp grounder between first and second before throwing late to first base. Furcal never stopped, sliding around the tag of catcher Bengie Molina to beat first baseman Rich Aurilia's throw home.
"I knew [Furcal] was going to go," Aurilia said. "As soon as I saw Ray bobble the ball, I said, 'I have to get off the bag and get to the ball.' Ray made a great stop, just not good enough right now."(3-2 L)
Notes: SP Cain 5.2IP 3H 4BB 5K 0.00ERA ,H Rowand 2-4 1R
4/3 Lincecum debuts, scores go-ahead run in Giants' win
Lincecum (1-0) threw 84 pitches over four innings, allowing a run and four hits with four walks and four strikeouts. The right-hander got his biggest out when Russell Martin took a called third strike with the bases loaded to end the seventh.
"I was just throwing a slider right there on 2-2. I really wasn't trying to spot anything up. I was hoping to get him to chase. But it worked out for the better."
The relief outing was the first in the majors for Lincecum, who made 24 starts last season as a rookie.
"It was a little different, of course, but at the same time I've got to listen to what they say," Lincecum said. "Whether it's out of the bullpen or starting, I've got to approach it the same way."(2-1 W)
Notes: RP Lincecum 4.0IP 4H 1ER 4BB 4K 2.25ERA ,H Winn 1-3 1H 1R 1BB 1K
舊金山巨人戰績1-2 目前打擊貧弱 但投手群還算可佳 Rowand也打得不錯
2008年3月30日 星期日
49ers News

Niners QB Smith ready to move past troubles with injuries, coaches
Associated Press
"It was such a crazy situation last year," Smith said. "We're both excited to be moving on from it."
Smith claims to be encouraged by the 49ers' latest coaching overhaul, with coordinator Mike Martz arriving and Nolan staying while old coordinator Jim Hostler, quarterbacks coach Frank Cignetti and other offensive assistants departed.
Smith and Nolan were on much shakier ground late last year, when the struggling quarterback publicly questioned the 49ers' handling of the shoulder injury that eventually ended his season. Smith also claimed Nolan undermined him in comments to his teammates, and Smith rarely appeared at the 49ers' training complex after his surgery.
"He and I are both looking forward to putting last year behind us," Smith said. "I've talked to him several times and we're both excited about it. I know I definitely am, because I know that's not a reflection on either of us. We're both better than that, and I think we're looking forward to honestly erasing that and proving to people, not only in this building but everywhere, that we're definitely going to move on."
"There's definitely not a lot of the clicking and things that were going on before," said Smith, whose strained forearm is no longer a problem. "The main thing is to work out that tightness and stiffness in some areas. ... I still have another month or so to get it where it needs to be, so I'm trying to take my time with it."
The 49ers hope Smith is in shape to participate in their post-draft minicamp in early May, when he'll have to begin the process of winning a starting job for the first time since his rookie season. Shaun Hill, the career third-stringer who won two starts as a late-season replacement for Trent Dilfer, will get a chance to compete with Smith, according to Martz and Nolan.
About Martz:
"You just look at the track record (Martz) has had with all his quarterbacks and the way they've played, the numbers they've put up and where they've taken their games," Smith said. "I feel like that's a level I haven't even been at in the NFL, in terms of reaching my potential. ... It's definitely different, but I guess that's the one thing I've grown accustomed to is the change. That's kind of normal in the NFL, and you get used to it real quick."
2008年3月29日 星期六
Giants News

Lincecum strikes out 9 in 5 no-hit innings and San Francisco Giants beat Oakland A's 3-0
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tim Lincecum provided a bright spot in a rather dismal spring for the San Francisco Giants on Friday night.
Lincecum struck out nine in five no-hit innings and the Giants beat the cross-bay Oakland Athletics 3-0.
"The first inning I was big," Lincecum said. "My first inning was like seven or eight pitches and I got on a roll. And then I found my rhythm from there."
Lincecum, scheduled to pitch the Giants' third game of the season against the Los Angeles Dodgers on Wednesday, was masterful in a steady drizzle, keeping Oakland off balance.
"The kid threw well," Giants manager Bruce Bochy said. "It was a nice tune up for him. It was a big win for us. The way we played tonight was what we were looking for.
"We pitched well. We executed and we played crisp baseball. That's what it's going to take for us to win games."
Lincecum's performance was a needed lift for the Giants, who snapped a five-game losing streak that included a loss to Fresno, their Triple-A affiliate on Wednesday.
In his last three outings, Lincecum has struck out 20 batters.
And Lincecum had no hard feelings about being removed from a no-hitter.
"I wasn't really thinking about that," said Lincecum. "I got done what I wanted."
The game was the first for the A's since they returned from Japan, where they split their first two regular season games against the Red Sox.
"Lincecum threw the ball real well," A's manager Bob Geren said. "He had a very, very good fastball. Also, it wasn't very good conditions to hit, but still, he threw very well."
During the early innings of the game, a steady drizzle fell drenching the players and field.
"It was cool, it was damp. There's a guy out there throwing 96, touching 98, that could as easily have happened in July," Geren said.
Zito determined to build on strong finish
Ace's last nine starts in rough 2007 give Giants hope in '08
For much of the spring, Zito looked like a dubious choice as the Giants' No. 1 starter. He allowed seven runs or more in three of his first four Cactus League assignments, recording a 14.92 ERA. But his 5 2/3 shutout innings on March 21 against the White Sox muted the skeptics.
Zito has endured plenty of cynicism since becoming a Giant. The seven-year, $126 million contract he received before the 2007 season, which at the time made him the highest-paid pitcher in baseball history, immediately prompted observers to declare that he wasn't worth it. The 8-11 record and 5.13 ERA he built in his first 25 games didn't help.
But Zito recovered in his final nine starts, posting a 3-2 mark with a 3.10 ERA and a .200 opponents' batting average. Although Zito's 11-13 record and 4.53 ERA overall were career worsts, his strong finish generated plenty of hope among the Giants for this year.
"Last year, during the course of the season, he was a different pitcher," manager Bruce Bochy said. "What he should feel good about was how he finished the season. That's what he needs to build on to carry into this season. I don't look at the middle of the season when he had some rough starts, and he shouldn't either. That's behind him."
Zito gave the doubters fresh material this spring when he altered his pitching motion for the second year in a row. Last year, he tinkered with his stride in February before returning to the delivery that helped him amass a 102-63 record with Oakland from 2000-06. This time, Zito waited until his third Cactus League start before pulling his surprise. He no longer brought his hands over his head from the windup, explaining that this change synchronized his hands with his kicking leg more properly.
"I think my stuff has later movement," Zito said. "You always want your stuff to move as late as possible so the hitter can't gauge it and basically determine where the ball's going to be when he swings at it."
Zito has struggled in his previous Opening Day starts, losing all three of them while compiling a 9.49 ERA. This includes last year's opener against the Padres, who defeated the Giants, 7-0, as Zito surrendered three runs (two earned) on four hits in five innings.
This kind of history never entered Bochy's mind as he named Zito to pitch Game 1 after the first workout for pitchers and catchers.
"When Barry hits the mound, we expect to win and we expect him to give us a chance to win," Bochy said. "That's not ever going to change for us."
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tim Lincecum provided a bright spot in a rather dismal spring for the San Francisco Giants on Friday night.
Lincecum struck out nine in five no-hit innings and the Giants beat the cross-bay Oakland Athletics 3-0.
"The first inning I was big," Lincecum said. "My first inning was like seven or eight pitches and I got on a roll. And then I found my rhythm from there."
Lincecum, scheduled to pitch the Giants' third game of the season against the Los Angeles Dodgers on Wednesday, was masterful in a steady drizzle, keeping Oakland off balance.
"The kid threw well," Giants manager Bruce Bochy said. "It was a nice tune up for him. It was a big win for us. The way we played tonight was what we were looking for.
"We pitched well. We executed and we played crisp baseball. That's what it's going to take for us to win games."
Lincecum's performance was a needed lift for the Giants, who snapped a five-game losing streak that included a loss to Fresno, their Triple-A affiliate on Wednesday.
In his last three outings, Lincecum has struck out 20 batters.
And Lincecum had no hard feelings about being removed from a no-hitter.
"I wasn't really thinking about that," said Lincecum. "I got done what I wanted."
The game was the first for the A's since they returned from Japan, where they split their first two regular season games against the Red Sox.
"Lincecum threw the ball real well," A's manager Bob Geren said. "He had a very, very good fastball. Also, it wasn't very good conditions to hit, but still, he threw very well."
During the early innings of the game, a steady drizzle fell drenching the players and field.
"It was cool, it was damp. There's a guy out there throwing 96, touching 98, that could as easily have happened in July," Geren said.
Zito determined to build on strong finish
Ace's last nine starts in rough 2007 give Giants hope in '08
For much of the spring, Zito looked like a dubious choice as the Giants' No. 1 starter. He allowed seven runs or more in three of his first four Cactus League assignments, recording a 14.92 ERA. But his 5 2/3 shutout innings on March 21 against the White Sox muted the skeptics.
Zito has endured plenty of cynicism since becoming a Giant. The seven-year, $126 million contract he received before the 2007 season, which at the time made him the highest-paid pitcher in baseball history, immediately prompted observers to declare that he wasn't worth it. The 8-11 record and 5.13 ERA he built in his first 25 games didn't help.
But Zito recovered in his final nine starts, posting a 3-2 mark with a 3.10 ERA and a .200 opponents' batting average. Although Zito's 11-13 record and 4.53 ERA overall were career worsts, his strong finish generated plenty of hope among the Giants for this year.
"Last year, during the course of the season, he was a different pitcher," manager Bruce Bochy said. "What he should feel good about was how he finished the season. That's what he needs to build on to carry into this season. I don't look at the middle of the season when he had some rough starts, and he shouldn't either. That's behind him."
Zito gave the doubters fresh material this spring when he altered his pitching motion for the second year in a row. Last year, he tinkered with his stride in February before returning to the delivery that helped him amass a 102-63 record with Oakland from 2000-06. This time, Zito waited until his third Cactus League start before pulling his surprise. He no longer brought his hands over his head from the windup, explaining that this change synchronized his hands with his kicking leg more properly.
"I think my stuff has later movement," Zito said. "You always want your stuff to move as late as possible so the hitter can't gauge it and basically determine where the ball's going to be when he swings at it."
Zito has struggled in his previous Opening Day starts, losing all three of them while compiling a 9.49 ERA. This includes last year's opener against the Padres, who defeated the Giants, 7-0, as Zito surrendered three runs (two earned) on four hits in five innings.
This kind of history never entered Bochy's mind as he named Zito to pitch Game 1 after the first workout for pitchers and catchers.
"When Barry hits the mound, we expect to win and we expect him to give us a chance to win," Bochy said. "That's not ever going to change for us."
Wang's 新聞(節錄自MLB.com)

Wang draws prestigious start
Right-hander final Opening Day starter in Yankee Stadium
By Bryan Hoch / MLB.com
Chien-Ming Wang missed his chance to pitch last year's season opener, but this assignment may prove even more prestigious.
The right-hander will be issued the ball for the final Opening Day in Yankee Stadium's 85-year history, drawing the March 31 start against the Blue Jays.
Ranking second in the American League with a 2.75 home ERA and tying for third with 10 home wins, Wang is a logical choice to get the start in New York. His 21 wins in 33 Yankee Stadium starts over the last two seasons are the most home victories by any big league pitcher since the beginning of 2006.
He may have some added motivation as well. Wang missed last year's season opener after straining a hamstring during conditioning drills in late March -- he still remembers watching from his Tampa apartment as Carl Pavano drew the start for the Yankees.
"The two losses make me want to do even better this year," Wang said. "I want to make the coaches trust me even more in the future."
Girardi said that Wang's balanced and relaxed personality lends itself well to an assignment like Opening Day, and that he was glad Wang needed one month to get over his October disappointment.
"That tells me that he really cares and he wants to get better," Girardi said. "That actually excites me. I think he will continue to improve."
Wang's spring ends on down note
Girardi feels hitters were too comfortable with right-hander
By Bryan Hoch / MLB.com
With his last five innings of the spring in the books, Wang was given an exhibition loss in New York's 4-0 defeat to the Phillies at Bright House Field, but he also has something important to carry into the regular season.
The Phillies hit Wang around in the second inning for four runs on four hits, a frame that could have had much less damage if both Robinson Cano and Alex Rodriguez were able to turn double-play balls. Regardless, Yankees manager Joe Girardi thought Philadelphia batters were digging in a bit too much as the inning went on, and gave Wang his read upon returning to the dugout.
"Joe told me they were too comfortable," Wang said. "I didn't pitch inside enough."
"I thought he had a decent spring," Girardi said. "I thought today was his best day, which is good. [The pitchers are] developing arm strength and they're developing stamina during Spring Training."
And, once in a while, they get to hit. The Yankees played with National League rules for the first time on Wednesday, meaning that Wang actually had to grab a bat and dig in against Phillies starter Brett Myers for a couple of plate appearances.
To Wang's credit, the skills he last tested in a June Interleague series at San Francisco hadn't betrayed him; like Billy Crystal, at least he made contact. Wang popped a bunt over the mound for the final out of the second inning and was thrown out on another bunt in the fifth inning.
The infielders needn't have worried, even in the situation with two outs. With Opening Day looming near and any injury disastrous, the Yankees' instructions to Wang were extremely clear. "No swings," Wang said. "Just bunts."
2008年3月28日 星期五
Tuesday's With Morrie

About the Book
Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher, or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, helped you see the world as a more profound place, gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it.
For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago.
Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded, and the world seemed colder. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you, receive wisdom for your busy life today the way you once did when you were younger?
Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying, Morrie visited with Mitch in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final "class": lessons in how to live.
Tuesdays with Morrie is a magical chronicle of their time together, through which Mitch shares Morrie's lasting gift with the world.
After four years on the New York Times bestseller list, Tuesdays with Morrie is at last available in paperback.
最近這些日子因為比較忙 所以看書的時間漸漸的縮水 但是我還是能湊出一些時間來看一下小說跟立志書籍^^"
記得前幾個禮拜把同班借我的<賺錢哲學>(作者:系山英太郎/著; 譯者:陳寶蓮)和兩個禮拜錢買的<人際暗流><推銷自己>再短時間內解決 發覺如果要充實自己 還是得靠攫取任何空閑的機會 做點有益處的事...
這本英文的書籍是我上禮拜在誠品挖掘出來的寶 雖然它是本已經出版許多年的已翻譯書籍 但經過思考 還是覺得如果要探求當事人之真意 尋求最真實的語句 非原文書莫屬 所以再度開啟我閱讀英文書的興趣...
Tuesdays With Morrie這本書的中文翻譯是<最後十四堂星期二的課> 其內容在於敘述一位罹患致命疾病的患者(書中的教授)與其相隔十幾年再度重逢的學生(作者) 再教授勝於十四週生命裏 每個禮拜每個禮拜師生間探討人生的定義和對於社會價值觀的評析與啟發 雖然教授在人生的末路上 但仍然昂然艇胸的面對即將面臨的命運與生離死別 學生在每週二的談論間 一點一滴的獲得一些對於自己的生命價值到底缺乏什麼?到底追求功名成就和更卓越的功名是不是比親人之間的愛和交流重要?
人們通常視為理所當然和細小事節在死的前夕化為啟迪和知識的泉源 談吐間教授透露的經驗和體驗死亡對身心的創傷但無畏精神 深深的印入作者腦海中 相信若有看過這本書的朋友們應該也會有相同的看法
在十四週的歷程中 我們看到了一個人突然遭受到大創的茫然 接受之後的堅定 分享傳承的熱心 犧牲剩餘的燭光發亮他人的人生 他的信念: Love is greater than anything 感動了作者對功名利錄仍然看待的比家庭還要重要的人 也讓他能夠反省自己對於家庭 工作 價值觀的看法是否需要迴轉 而我 身為一個讀者 以同理心想象自己若身處同樣機遇 也深深的被他述說的話語吸引 並佩服他不斷抱持樂觀的心 迎接每天每天上帝賦予他的病痛和煎熬 我相信每個人對死都有個人的恐懼與害怕 汲汲營營的人生也是為了之後的生活能夠在老後或是退休後獲得物質上的享受與快樂 但所謂的快樂真的是建立在物質的享樂和地位的謀取嗎? 我們即使賺在多的錢 獲得至高的權位 難道沒有愛相伴的話 我們仍然會是個完整的人嗎? 作者在聽了教授的話 也積極的開始和家人交流互動
"Death can only take away my body,it can't take away my spirit" 就是教授最佳的人生寫照 一個人如果對於精神方面和家庭方面沒有照顧到 反而只有 Mixed up what we need with what we want 的話 死後你留下了什麼? 是一個墓碑上寫著某某董事長葬於此 還是一個深受愛戴 偉大的父親 親切的教授 至愛的丈夫跟啟發世人的教育家?
當然我們不可能不追求物質上的東西 也有可能在精神方面與生活上都是滿足的 然而從這本書還是可以給予我們一些建議 對做人處世也好 對未來方向也好 人一定會有生死 人一定會碰上病痛與傷創 如何秉持一個勇敢無懼的心理應對命運 燃燒活著的每一刻每一秒 相信都直得我們閱讀和學習
這本書我打算之後再一次深讀 因為每堂課給我的體會都不一樣 當你能從一本書感覺到有受益良多 感觸頗深的情境時 或許該叢書中在吸取一些什麼 也說不定^^
Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher, or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, helped you see the world as a more profound place, gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it.
For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago.
Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded, and the world seemed colder. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you, receive wisdom for your busy life today the way you once did when you were younger?
Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying, Morrie visited with Mitch in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final "class": lessons in how to live.
Tuesdays with Morrie is a magical chronicle of their time together, through which Mitch shares Morrie's lasting gift with the world.
After four years on the New York Times bestseller list, Tuesdays with Morrie is at last available in paperback.
最近這些日子因為比較忙 所以看書的時間漸漸的縮水 但是我還是能湊出一些時間來看一下小說跟立志書籍^^"
記得前幾個禮拜把同班借我的<賺錢哲學>(作者:系山英太郎/著; 譯者:陳寶蓮)和兩個禮拜錢買的<人際暗流><推銷自己>再短時間內解決 發覺如果要充實自己 還是得靠攫取任何空閑的機會 做點有益處的事...
這本英文的書籍是我上禮拜在誠品挖掘出來的寶 雖然它是本已經出版許多年的已翻譯書籍 但經過思考 還是覺得如果要探求當事人之真意 尋求最真實的語句 非原文書莫屬 所以再度開啟我閱讀英文書的興趣...
人們通常視為理所當然和細小事節在死的前夕化為啟迪和知識的泉源 談吐間教授透露的經驗和體驗死亡對身心的創傷但無畏精神 深深的印入作者腦海中 相信若有看過這本書的朋友們應該也會有相同的看法
在十四週的歷程中 我們看到了一個人突然遭受到大創的茫然 接受之後的堅定 分享傳承的熱心 犧牲剩餘的燭光發亮他人的人生 他的信念: Love is greater than anything 感動了作者對功名利錄仍然看待的比家庭還要重要的人 也讓他能夠反省自己對於家庭 工作 價值觀的看法是否需要迴轉 而我 身為一個讀者 以同理心想象自己若身處同樣機遇 也深深的被他述說的話語吸引 並佩服他不斷抱持樂觀的心 迎接每天每天上帝賦予他的病痛和煎熬 我相信每個人對死都有個人的恐懼與害怕 汲汲營營的人生也是為了之後的生活能夠在老後或是退休後獲得物質上的享受與快樂 但所謂的快樂真的是建立在物質的享樂和地位的謀取嗎? 我們即使賺在多的錢 獲得至高的權位 難道沒有愛相伴的話 我們仍然會是個完整的人嗎? 作者在聽了教授的話 也積極的開始和家人交流互動
"Death can only take away my body,it can't take away my spirit" 就是教授最佳的人生寫照 一個人如果對於精神方面和家庭方面沒有照顧到 反而只有 Mixed up what we need with what we want 的話 死後你留下了什麼? 是一個墓碑上寫著某某董事長葬於此 還是一個深受愛戴 偉大的父親 親切的教授 至愛的丈夫跟啟發世人的教育家?
當然我們不可能不追求物質上的東西 也有可能在精神方面與生活上都是滿足的 然而從這本書還是可以給予我們一些建議 對做人處世也好 對未來方向也好 人一定會有生死 人一定會碰上病痛與傷創 如何秉持一個勇敢無懼的心理應對命運 燃燒活著的每一刻每一秒 相信都直得我們閱讀和學習
這本書我打算之後再一次深讀 因為每堂課給我的體會都不一樣 當你能從一本書感覺到有受益良多 感觸頗深的情境時 或許該叢書中在吸取一些什麼 也說不定^^
2008年3月22日 星期六
Giants 新聞

Giants' lackluster spring sparking trade rumors
Increasingly displeased by their product on the field, Giants officials have become more aggressive on the trade front and recently asked the Los Angeles Angels about first baseman Casey Kotchman and catcher Jeff Mathis, according to sources.
It's possible that the two clubs discussed sending Bengie Molina back to Anaheim; Angels officials are said to miss the former Gold Glove catcher's leadership and game-calling skills.
But the two sides were not close to a deal, since the Angels need to boost their injured rotation. The Giants are not in a position to trade pitching because of their own injury woes.
"No match," Angels general manager Tony Reagins said. "Not now."
The Giants are looking for ways to improve a roster that has failed to meet limited expectations while slogging through the Cactus League schedule. They managed four hits -- all singles -- in an 8-1 loss to the Angels at Tempe on Thursday. At 6-17-2, they have the worst exhibition record in the major leagues.
Their .253 batting average is the lowest in the Cactus League and their 7.11 ERA is the worst in the majors. They haven't been so hot catching the ball, either. Lacking Omar Vizquel's stabilizing play at shortstop, their infield continues to look a fright. Third baseman Eugenio Velez committed an error on a routine grounder hit right to him when he inexplicably sidestepped it and tried to field on a backhand.
"We need to turn it up here," Giants manager Bruce Bochy said. "We're not even playing decent ball. We've talked about it. We've addressed it numerous times. ... You see it. The guys are taking a ton of ground balls every day.
"We've got to keep working here. Believe me, we're aware we're not winning games. We'd like to win some in the next week here. But the last thing we need to do is start hanging heads."
Catcher needed?
The Giants are looking for catching help because their two candidates, Eliezer Alfonzo and Guillermo Rodriguez, have played their way off the roster.
Alfonzo, who was the most valuable player of the prestigious Venezuelan Winter League, is having the roughest spring of all. He is 3-for-40 (.075) with no walks and seven strikeouts.
Just as significantly, neither catcher has excelled behind the plate. Each allowed a passed ball Thursday.
It's another reason the Giants could decide to acquire Brandon Inge, since the Tigers' third baseman has experience at catcher.
"To be honest, yeah, we need somebody to step up and take that job," said Bochy, who challenged each catcher in one-on-one meetings. "I don't see anybody doing it."
Lowry taking it slow
Left-hander Noah Lowry is throwing a baseball again. Two weeks after surgery to correct a condition in his forearm, Lowry played catch from 50 feet for about five minutes. The session appeared to go as planned.
Because no standard rehab schedule exists for a pitcher rehabbing from Lowry's procedure, the Giants plan to reevaluate him each day before moving to the next step. Lowry could return as soon as late April.
Durham, Aurilia dinged
Second baseman Ray Durham was a late scratch with a sore hamstring and is day-to-day. Infielder Rich Aurilia started at designated hitter and hasn't thrown in a few days because of elbow tendinitis. Bochy said Aurilia might play the field today.
壞消息一堆 真是令人感到寒心 希望他們能振作 迎接賽季到來
Increasingly displeased by their product on the field, Giants officials have become more aggressive on the trade front and recently asked the Los Angeles Angels about first baseman Casey Kotchman and catcher Jeff Mathis, according to sources.
It's possible that the two clubs discussed sending Bengie Molina back to Anaheim; Angels officials are said to miss the former Gold Glove catcher's leadership and game-calling skills.
But the two sides were not close to a deal, since the Angels need to boost their injured rotation. The Giants are not in a position to trade pitching because of their own injury woes.
"No match," Angels general manager Tony Reagins said. "Not now."
The Giants are looking for ways to improve a roster that has failed to meet limited expectations while slogging through the Cactus League schedule. They managed four hits -- all singles -- in an 8-1 loss to the Angels at Tempe on Thursday. At 6-17-2, they have the worst exhibition record in the major leagues.
Their .253 batting average is the lowest in the Cactus League and their 7.11 ERA is the worst in the majors. They haven't been so hot catching the ball, either. Lacking Omar Vizquel's stabilizing play at shortstop, their infield continues to look a fright. Third baseman Eugenio Velez committed an error on a routine grounder hit right to him when he inexplicably sidestepped it and tried to field on a backhand.
"We need to turn it up here," Giants manager Bruce Bochy said. "We're not even playing decent ball. We've talked about it. We've addressed it numerous times. ... You see it. The guys are taking a ton of ground balls every day.
"We've got to keep working here. Believe me, we're aware we're not winning games. We'd like to win some in the next week here. But the last thing we need to do is start hanging heads."
Catcher needed?
The Giants are looking for catching help because their two candidates, Eliezer Alfonzo and Guillermo Rodriguez, have played their way off the roster.
Alfonzo, who was the most valuable player of the prestigious Venezuelan Winter League, is having the roughest spring of all. He is 3-for-40 (.075) with no walks and seven strikeouts.
Just as significantly, neither catcher has excelled behind the plate. Each allowed a passed ball Thursday.
It's another reason the Giants could decide to acquire Brandon Inge, since the Tigers' third baseman has experience at catcher.
"To be honest, yeah, we need somebody to step up and take that job," said Bochy, who challenged each catcher in one-on-one meetings. "I don't see anybody doing it."
Lowry taking it slow
Left-hander Noah Lowry is throwing a baseball again. Two weeks after surgery to correct a condition in his forearm, Lowry played catch from 50 feet for about five minutes. The session appeared to go as planned.
Because no standard rehab schedule exists for a pitcher rehabbing from Lowry's procedure, the Giants plan to reevaluate him each day before moving to the next step. Lowry could return as soon as late April.
Durham, Aurilia dinged
Second baseman Ray Durham was a late scratch with a sore hamstring and is day-to-day. Infielder Rich Aurilia started at designated hitter and hasn't thrown in a few days because of elbow tendinitis. Bochy said Aurilia might play the field today.
壞消息一堆 真是令人感到寒心 希望他們能振作 迎接賽季到來
49ers 新聞
If you thought the quarterback controversy in San Francisco was entertaining last year, it's only going to get better. Coach Mike Nolan has made it clear that Shaun Hill, who seems to have taken on legendary status after a few decent starts late last season, will compete with former No. 1 draft pick Alex Smith for the starting quarterback job.
Hill, who wasn't even drafted and spent most of his career in NFL Europe and on the Minnesota bench, has been given a new contract. Maybe this is Nolan's way of trying to challenge Smith to step up. But Nolan and Smith sniped at each other last season about the severity of the quarterback's shoulder injury.
Maybe Smith can get back into good graces and succeed under new offensive coordinator Mike Martz. But, keep in mind, Martz had a lot of success with another former NFL Europe quarterback (Kurt Warner) when he was in St. Louis.
MLB 王建民新聞

Wang will start Opening Day for Yanks
Right-hander coming off back-to-back 19-win seasons
One year ago, Chien-Ming Wang got his hopes up to pitch on Opening Day before suffering both an injury and ultimate disappointment, forced to watch from a Tampa apartment as his team went north without him.
Barring a catastrophe in Wang's final start of Spring Training, he will finally get to find out what a season opener feels like. Yankees manager Joe Girardi confirmed Friday that Wang has been tabbed as the Opening Day starter, set to face the Blue Jays on March 31 in New York.
"He's earned it," Girardi said. "He's won 19 games the last couple of years and he's thrown the ball well the last couple of years. I'm comfortable starting him Opening Day."
The start will come on Wang's 28th birthday, one year after a strained right hamstring cost him most of April before he rebounded to tie a career high in wins for the second consecutive season, going 19-7 with a 3.70 ERA in 30 starts and establishing a career high with 104 strikeouts.
"I'm very happy," Wang said. "This is my first time on Opening Day. For me, it's big. I'm very excited.
"It shows that the coaches trust me. I still have a lot to learn."....
Wang hasn't had a whole lot of success this spring -- in four Grapefruit League starts, Wang is 2-1 with an 8.44 ERA in 10 2/3 innings.
But his track record speaks volumes: He has won more games than any other big league pitcher (38) over the last two years and leads the Majors with a .745 winning percentage in that time span, though he suffered two losses in the Yankees' first-round playoff exit against the Indians last October.
Wang has said that it took him a month to get over the playoff losses, in which he was roughed up for 12 runs and 14 hits in 5 2/3 innings. Pitching on three days' rest in the deciding Game 4 of the American League Division Series at Yankee Stadium, Wang did not retire an Indians batter in the second inning.
"The two losses make me want to do even better this year," Wang said. "I want to make the coaches trust me even more in the future."
Girardi said that Wang's balanced and relaxed personality lends itself well to an assignment like Opening Day, and that he was glad Wang needed one month to get over his October disappointment.
"That tells me that he really cares and he wants to get better," Girardi said. "That actually excites me. I think he will continue to improve."
2008年3月21日 星期五
讀書心得 <人際暗流>

"人不為己 天誅地滅"
人性本來就是自私的 沒有利益結合的人際關係 到後來常常會落得一把空
當生活在職場上 相信別人 依靠別人 幫助別人 都不能只看他們可信任的外表或是殷切的態度
而把自己的未來 成就 寄託在他人身上
人生的崎嶇險惡 旁人的道貌岸然 友人的貌合神離 會再利益的消逝瞬間 完全顯現在眼眸裏
但書中提到許多的重點 都是職場人際關係需要特別注意的
例如 當一個人無求回報的幫助你 一再的給予你好康 他內心可能貪婪的是你的權位 或是 當一個人表面上和你和諧相處 使你分散對他的戒心 背後他反而會發出暗箭 打擊你在職場上建立的名聲和地位 當一個女人使盡辦法要討好你 取得你的芳心 難道不能想像到他只是單方面冀求更優越的生活地位? 當一個下級屬下 每天假裝懈怠於他的工作 背後卻有可能獲得上司的愛戴與投資 升官永遠只有他的份 而使你缺席 或當同儕之間 雖然可能交情已經接近使幾二十年 當利字擺眼前 誰會懷疑其中一個會不顧友誼而謀求自身福利?
總總例子都顯示出 我們人心是善變的 是沒有所謂善 而僅有利 當我們的交情沒有利字存在 即便是最深交的夥伴 有時候也會暗暗的對你使出極盡奸詐狡猾的手段 獲得更具價值的職位或金錢
當然我不能把書中的全部內容都概括的反射於日常生活 因為例子都是處於職場中 或是長官部屬上級下級間的相處 但是我也無法否認 人際的建立上 雙方之間會有選擇性的各取所需 不管是情感方面 物質方面
當一個人可以說 我一開始和別人交往的過程當中 另一個人從來不求回報的付出 而我受盡了他的恩惠 也從來沒有給予他方一點回報 那我會說 這是柏拉圖式的友情 另外 如果一個人說 當我和我朋友交際的時候 我從來沒有在他背後說過他壞話 或是批評過他而舒坦心中不快 或是竊喜擷取了一些他的智慧或甜頭 那我也認為這是個淡如水般的情誼
這本書的黯淡灰暗 呈現人性惡的本質 一切的基礎建立再糾結的利益上 最後的結局都是無限的悲寂
雖然我仍然相信人跟人之間的交情 如果這樣看待世界不會存在 互相結怨仇視會毀滅社會體系
但 它仍然提醒了我們幾點再之後職場的人際應注意的方針:
2.摸清一個人的底細而別過分依賴他人 否則難免落腳
3.對於陌生的好處 利益的誘惑 在某些情形要有抗拒的心態
4.保護自己的財產 不管智慧或是地位 別因花言巧語而放鬆戒心
5.人與人之間各取所需是正常的 但得衡量某些事是否真的妥當
6.情感是人類的特有素質 但別被情感連累 喪失的不只是辛苦建立的權位
7.即便是交誼不錯的友人 也有可能會為了職位把你拖下水
8.輕視他人會帶給自己更大的損傷 要時時刻刻精進自己
9.人再外 要注意自己的嘴吧(重點)
10.眼觀四面 了解各種傳言 過濾自己身邊親信 八面玲瓏 對他人有限度的友好 接受能回報的利益
這本書充斥著典故 範例 例子 為了突顯人為了自身可以毫不顧後果的推翻他人的誠信 成就
可是我還是要再度強調 我相信我深交的朋友 信任永遠勝於利益 有時候不要把社會上的種種邪念與人性本惡的概念影射在單純的友情 有些東西的價值 仍然會抵過那些身外之物...
2008年3月20日 星期四
Lindy's 2008 Giants Preview

For 15 years, the face of the San Francisco Giants franchise wore a bored expression and a dismissive sneer from beneath a size 8 baseball cap. Now the team's marquee position player wears a look of perpetual intensity and a gash across his nose.
Barry Bonds is finally gone and he'll spend 2008 making court appearances and defending his legacy rather than patrolling left field at AT&T Park and tormenting National League pitchers.
After flailing around in search of a post-Bonds alternative, the Giants spent $60 million on former Phillies centerfielder Aaron Rowand, whose signature moment remains that encounter with the Citizens Bank Park wall two years ago. The Giants gave him a five-year deal and a mandate to set the same competitive tone in the San Francisco clubhouse that he brought to Philadelphia.
If only the surrounding talent were as good. In the National League West, the Diamondbacks and Rockies are loaded; the Dodgers derive encouragement from Joe Torre's arrival; and San Diego usually finds a way to get it done. The Giants, meanwhile, are badly in need of a road map.
The San Francisco organization hasn't produced an everyday position player through the draft since third baseman Bill Mueller arrived in the big leagues in 1996. Now management is hoping that someone from the group of Dan Ortmeier, Nate Schierholtz, Kevin Frandsen, Fred Lewis & Co. can emerge and break the spell.
But in true Giants form, this team isn't ready to commit to a youth movement. The Giants' first two offseason moves were re-signing shortstop Omar Vizquel, 40, and making a big bet on Rowand, a career .286 hitter known as much for his intangibles as his production.
Bonds spent 15 years in San Francisco alienating teammates and the media while setting records and winning MVP awards, but he always made life interesting. The Giants might miss him more than they realized.
Martz becomes key in Bay Area salvage job on QB Smith(節錄)

Those are descriptions I've heard before at the team's Santa Clara headquarters, only then it was someone describing Joe Montana, Steve Young or Jeff Garcia. Alex Smith never was confused with those three, and, unless Martz pulls a reprise of The Miracle Worker, he never will be.
It's not just that Smith has been slow to develop. He suffered a separated shoulder last season that had him sparring with his head coach over the severity of the injury, a public-relations nightmare that had outsiders questioning Smith's future with the 49ers.
Eventually he was put on injured reserve, but only after another disappointing season.
"Things were a little disjointed here last year," Martz said, "and then, of course, there was the shoulder injury. And the injury had a lot to do with (Smith's performance). But when you look at the year before when Norv (Turner) was here everything was going good."
Smith continues to recover from surgery to his right shoulder and, Martz said, should be able to throw by next month. What happens after that is up to Smith and Martz, who is convinced his quarterback will be ready by May.
"I think the 49ers can win with Smith," an NFC coach said, "because he has some talent. Do I think he'll be a great quarterback? No. But Mike Martz has done good jobs with guys a lot less talented than Alex Smith. He should be OK."
One problem: I don't know if OK cuts it in San Francisco. In fact, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Montana was a lot more than OK. So was Young. And while Garcia didn't make it to a Super Bowl, he was a three-time Pro Bowl choice.
The 49ers didn't pick up the option on Smith's contract earlier this month because they think he will be OK. They picked it up because they think he can be a franchise quarterback and a cornerstone to a future playoff club.
"We have faith in him," said general manager Scot McCloughan.
They should. When they signed him to a six-year contract they threw in $24 million in guaranteed money, which meant somebody believed in him. Apparently, somebody still does.
2008年3月16日 星期日

1. Blockbusters Come In Threes!
Wait a minute. Blockbusters almost never come in threes. We're actually lucky to get one a season. So that's why when Pau Gasol, Shaquille O'Neal and Jason Kidd were all traded within a span of 19 days in February -- and especially when the run-and-gunners from Phoenix decided to break up their one-of-a-kind team to gamble on Shaq's keeping up with them -- this became the season synonymous with blockbuster deals. It's even truer when you go back to the draft and throw in Boston's landscape-changing additions of Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen before the season.
今年最大消息就是這個了 除了季初Garnett,Allen轉隊 到季中Kidd,S.O'neal,Pau Gasol三人因交易換隊造成籃球界局勢改觀 強弱有很大的變動 一季很難得有這種大交易的現象 所以這應該是NBA今年最大新聞
2. The Wildest West Of All Time!
We were down to eight teams on a 50-win pace entering the weekend, with Denver still stuck at No. 9 in the conference standings on its humble 49-33 track. Of course, eight 50-win teams -- if the eight West teams that already have 40 wins don't cannibalize themselves in the next 15-plus games -- would establish a new league record, topping the 2000-01 season when the Spurs, Lakers, Kings, Mavericks, Jazz, Suns and Trail Blazers all hit the Big Five-Oh.
這倒是我沒曾想過的結果 西區竟然可以如此的主宰 如此的強勢 西區不只是前八名都有機會突破五十勝 比較東區戰績 西區第十一名的國王都比東區第六七名的球隊來得好 很難想像之後的NBA是不是持續西強東弱局勢
3. Boston Is Back!
It's easy to forget how huge this is/was because the Celtics' 29-3 start seems so long ago, given everything else going on here to occupy our thoughts. But Boston didn't merely become this season's first team to win 50 games earlier in the week. KG, Paul Pierce and Ray Ray are also on course to finish 65-17 and thus post 41 more victories than last season's 24-58 team. Forty-one, folks.
這從季初報到現在 已經沒有新意 但還是佩服他們的磨合 至少維持聯盟墬頂尖水準
4. Houston Can't Lose!
It will be easier to grade this one with some finality when we know how long the streak ultimately lasted and when we know for sure what kind of impact it had on the Rockets' playoff potency. If they somehow stretch this thing closer to the 30 range -- or if the confidence generated by this run has turned this into an elite team, with or without Yao Ming -- up this list Houston could go. Yet even if the streak is halted soon, Houston's achievement remains unreservedly momentous, matched by only two other teams -- both championship teams, as noted in Box 7 -- in league history. As Tracy McGrady rightly keeps saying, forget your focus on which teams the Rockets have or haven't played during the streak and remember that Michael Jordan's 72-10 Chicago Bulls couldn't win 21 in a row. Twenty-one consecutive wins is something special even if you're playing Miami for 21 straight nights.
我爸一直說他們二十一連勝 大多都是碰爛隊 所以才會贏的輕鬆 我不認同這想法 因為正如文中提到 沒有姚明還是一直連勝的火箭 成就的不只是連勝 更使全隊團結 另外 連公牛都達不到的目標 他們破了 實在令人驚奇
5. Kobe Vs. LeBron!
不需要解釋 這是爭當今最強兼最有希望拿MVP的兩人 湖人西區第一 LBJ平均30-8-8 兩人都被譽為喬丹接班人 就看他們接下來的表現了
Cry For Me,Cry For You

Cry for me, Cry for you
英雄傳說 ~空之軌跡 3rd~
Cry for me 君の声が聞こえてる
叫んでる 僕の名前を
強がってた 夢は見ないと
夢 捨てれば それで何かを償える気がして
願いとか愛とか 見えないもの追い続ける
Cry for me 声が聞こえる
立ち向かえ 自分をごまかさないで
Cry for you その声に応えるため
今叫ぶ 君の名前を
踏み込めない 自信のなさを
すり替えてた 優しさに
諦めれば 傷つくことも無いような気がして
痛みとか苦しみ 受け止めわかり合えた時
Cry for me 声が聞こえる
逃げないで 全てを抱きしめるから
Cry for you その声に応えたくて
今叫ぶ 君の名前を
触れるぬくもり 流れる涙に癒されるのは
Cry for me 君の声が聞こえてる
叫んでる 僕の名前を
Cry for you その声に応えるため
今叫ぶ 君の名前を
I cry for you 僕の声が聞こえてる?
叫んでる 君の名前を
You cry for me 君の声 聞こえる
今叫んでる 僕の名前を
推薦 日本綜藝搞笑節目

另外 看過日本音樂節目的HeyX3也一定知道這兩個人
他們就是<ダウンタウン>的松本人志 浜田雅功
兩個人剛出道是以相聲組合的方式 在群眾獲得支持 慢慢的
相聲的一搭一唱 轉型成綜藝節目的方式每週播放
內容也除了相聲之外 多了許多單元 特別是整人型節目漸漸獲得多數日本人喜愛
在加入了<ココリコ>遠藤章造 田中直樹 和山崎邦正之後 節目更趨精彩
最近這幾年開始發表DVD將以前的特別節目收錄 和相聲的搞笑名言發售在日本也創造佳績
我是在大學時才接觸到這團體他們在節目裡的行事作風可能會讓人覺得"怎會這樣"但就是因為如此才會覺得他好玩 好笑 雖然節目裡的人被整得很慘XD
當心情鬱悶 想要好好發洩一下 看到他們的節目都能開懷大笑
PS.推薦對於不想看他們相聲的人 可以去買1,3,5,8集來看看(第十集也推薦 但台灣似乎還沒發售)

The San Francisco 49ers waived receiver Darrell Jackson on Saturday after one unproductive season with the club.
Jackson joined the 49ers in a trade last April after eight seasons with the Seattle Seahawks. He made at least one catch in each of his 15 starts for San Francisco, but finished the season with just 46 catches for 497 yards and three touchdowns in the NFL's least productive offense.
"I always had a great deal of respect for Darrell," 49ers coach Mike Nolan said. "I appreciated his dedication and work ethic during his season with the 49ers. He always had a positive attitude every day he came to work. While we are going in a different direction, I know he can still produce and be an asset to an NFL team this year."
The 49ers signed longtime Rams receiver Isaac Bruce as a free agent last month, adding another veteran who spent his entire career with a division rival. San Francisco also is close to a deal with Bryant Johnson, the Arizona Cardinals' No. 3 receiver for the last five seasons, to play alongside Arnaz Battle and Ashley Lelie in what's been arguably the NFL's least impressive group of receivers for the last few seasons.
四九人這幾年接球員的替換率太高了 從05年的Brandon Lloyd 06的Antonio Bryant 到07的Darrel Jackson 都沒有發揮應有的外圍威脅 造成攻擊上的停滯跟疲弱 今年一口氣換了兩個 Bryant Johnson和老將Issac Bruce 再次試圖提振傳球攻擊上的缺失 似乎有待觀察...
2008年3月15日 星期六

Dive into your fate - 小寺可南子
Maybe it was fated - 山脇宏子
琥珀の愛 - う~み
Missin' - 小寺可南子
Lumiere dans Dedale - しばざきあやこ
空の軌跡 - う~み
銀の意志 金の翼 - 山脇宏子
星の在り処 - う~み
I swear... - 小寺可南子
空を見上げて - 小寺可南子
後面五首是遊戲的主題曲(FC-First Chapter SC- Second Chapter TC- Third Chapter)
I Swear-SC遊戲片尾曲

Inge to Giants?: The Giants are interested in trading for Brandon Inge, a sign that Joe Crede is not looking so good. He has a big contract, but the Giants need some help.--Foxsports
The difference in opinion over the value of Joe Crede is about as wide as the gap between the White Sox third baseman's 2006 Silver Slugger Award season and his .080 spring average. San Francisco, the most likely suitor for Crede, and the Sox have disparate evaluations that carry ramifications for both sides. A talent evaluator familiar with both teams said the Sox were miffed the Giants' offers for Crede included since-released pitcher Scott Williamson; pitcher Randy Messenger, who was optioned to Triple-A Fresno last week; and veteran outfielder Dave Roberts. The source said the Giants believe Sox general manager Ken Williams' asking price ? one of the Giants' top prospects and a serviceable young reliever ? was too steep for a 29-year-old infielder coming off season-ending back surgery. -- Chicago Tribune

Free Agency
The 49ers said goodbye Friday to defensive end Marques Douglas, but they are reportedly saying hello to former Arizona Cardinals receiver Bryant Johnson.Johnson, 27, made 210 catches for 2,675 yards and nine touchdowns in five years with the Cardinals, who drafted him in the first round (the 17th overall pick) in the 2003 draft out of Penn State.The 6-foot-3 receiver had 46 catches last year for 528 yards and two touchdowns. He has played third fiddle to Pro Bowlers Anquan Boldin and Larry Fitzgerald and was looking for a team where he could play a larger role.
The San Franciso 49ers signed defensive end Justin Smith to a six-year, $45 million contract that included $20 million in guaranteesSmith had at least five sacks in each of his first six seasons with the Bengals before recording only two last season. He has led the Bengals defensive line in tackles in each of the past six seasons.Smith was the fourth overall pick in the 2001 draft out of Missouri. He has 43½ career sacks but managed only two last season. Smith has played in 16 games every season except his rookie campaign when he made 15 appearances.
In a move that reunites him with former head coach Mike Martz, free-agent wide receiver Isaac Bruce, released by St. Louis this week after 14 seasons with the Rams, has signed a two-year contract with the San Francisco 49ers.The contract, ESPN.com confirmed, is worth $6 million.A four-time Pro Bowl performer, Bruce has 942 career receptions for 14,109 yards and 84 touchdowns. The former University of Memphis star has six seasons with 75 or more catches and eight seasons with 1,000 receiving yards.
Others: DeShaun Foster,2yr.contract Trent Dilfer,released Marcus Douglas Derek Smith free agency

All season, Spencer Hawes has shown the ability to score, but his recent set of explosive dunks (and offensive tips) as well as his 12 blocked shots in the past four games suggests that he might be more of an above-the-rim player than we thought. Hawes turns 20 in April, and he has the look of a "late bloomer," meaning that his body and athleticism are probably still years away from peaking. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/index
Go figure. They lost to the Timberwolves at home, then beat the Lakers on the road. As Ron Artest said, "Wow, we just stepped up against the good team. It's unfortunate we can't step up against the bad teams." http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/powerRankings
It might have taken them a while, but the Kings seem to have figured out why they don't want a repeat of last season's disastrous finish: Their jobs are just so much more fun this way.Their 96-85 win over the Trail Blazers came with a sustained effort from nearly the whole lot and a classic Artest performance that led the Kings to an ending full of good cheer. There was leftover talk of their recent meeting of the minds, in which candid talk among coaches and players led to an understanding that a strong finish was a must and the inconsistency had to stop."We've still got an important season left, a lot of important games left," he said. "I'm over the agony of the possibility of not making the playoffs, so now I'm just going out there and playing hard."
Sixteen teams make the playoffs, and, as of today, 10 of the teams with the best records are in the West. Not long ago, there were 11, but the Washington Wizards got on a bit of a roll, won five of eight games, and passed the Sacramento Kings.Debating whether Sacramento deserves to be in the playoffs compared to Washington is a little like arguing what tastes better -- liver or rattlesnake. I'm all for looking out for the little guy, but rewarding different degrees of lousy is not a cause I care to champion.Besides, is there anyone out there who really believes the Kings want to make the playoffs? They will have a better shot of winning the lottery and the No. 1 pick in the draft than even winning one playoff game.http://www.star-telegram.com/287/story/525594.html
Go figure. They lost to the Timberwolves at home, then beat the Lakers on the road. As Ron Artest said, "Wow, we just stepped up against the good team. It's unfortunate we can't step up against the bad teams." http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/powerRankings
It might have taken them a while, but the Kings seem to have figured out why they don't want a repeat of last season's disastrous finish: Their jobs are just so much more fun this way.Their 96-85 win over the Trail Blazers came with a sustained effort from nearly the whole lot and a classic Artest performance that led the Kings to an ending full of good cheer. There was leftover talk of their recent meeting of the minds, in which candid talk among coaches and players led to an understanding that a strong finish was a must and the inconsistency had to stop."We've still got an important season left, a lot of important games left," he said. "I'm over the agony of the possibility of not making the playoffs, so now I'm just going out there and playing hard."
Sixteen teams make the playoffs, and, as of today, 10 of the teams with the best records are in the West. Not long ago, there were 11, but the Washington Wizards got on a bit of a roll, won five of eight games, and passed the Sacramento Kings.Debating whether Sacramento deserves to be in the playoffs compared to Washington is a little like arguing what tastes better -- liver or rattlesnake. I'm all for looking out for the little guy, but rewarding different degrees of lousy is not a cause I care to champion.Besides, is there anyone out there who really believes the Kings want to make the playoffs? They will have a better shot of winning the lottery and the No. 1 pick in the draft than even winning one playoff game.http://www.star-telegram.com/287/story/525594.html
Fantasy Baseball
As April arrives, the baseball season also nears by. And when the baseball season nears by, Fantasy Baseball lovers such as me start gathering information to become a Fantasy League winner. Though, as much as the prize money attracts me, I'd always play in free public leagues, which lowers the competitiveness but provides relaxation and fun. Also, there is a element of pride combined with the eager to earn respect within the league that pushes me to draft the right players to fit my team. In order to reach that goal, a little bit of cash still needs to be thrown in. Here I present a few sources of fantasy baseball information, including magazines which I buy in a yearly basis.



他常跟我說:我討厭黃昏的夕景 彷彿生命的希望 莫入無邊的天際
我就向他訴:世界有定律 我們無法迴避 何不欣賞美景 懊惱反而費心?
他說:時間消逝甚急 我們卻拘泥表象的無意義 一日結束的訊息 不應更加警惕?
我說:人命既已確定 命運早已決定 人心何不徜徉大自然的獻禮 吸收美麗的回憶?
他說:我的心思縝密 理性勝於感性 回憶確實珍貴
然而何必 於時空轉移的際遇 發自內心犒賞時間流失的影?
我說:太陽賦予生命 我你受此恩濟 才有現在論議
微微獻上敬意 致上虔誠心靈 洗滌當日塵埃 感受悅目情境
事實確實憂鬱 惟若調適理性 感性美化觀景 夕陽應為美藝
他說:與其讚嘆俗世瞬息萬變的風采 不如掌握自我實現的未來
與其陷入美感蓄意創造的假象 不如珍視逐漸流逝的存在
我說:你的牽連掩飾了幾分鐘的晚霞 你的言詞表露了無謂的誇大
未來雖較現在崇高 然比喻夕陽為消耗 風景為阻撓
略顯您的個性高傲 甚至無理取鬧
他說:生長於人海 處世做人實在 四面八方脈動 遠較停滯划得來
我並非討厭七色雲彩 更非漠視太陽關懷
只對人生道出感慨 為何時日不能倒帶?
我說:人的存在繫於生死線的長短 和造物者思維的評斷
我們只有順其自然 豐富自己不容緩 體驗生命的片段
夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏 不是憎恨日夜的交換 悲嘆人生苦短
而是高唱美好風景不頻繁 珍惜當下的燦爛
此時天邊揮灑剩餘的光輝 星空璀璨的闇夜呈現妖媚~
他常跟我說:我討厭黃昏的夕景 彷彿生命的希望 莫入無邊的天際
我就向他訴:世界有定律 我們無法迴避 何不欣賞美景 懊惱反而費心?
他說:時間消逝甚急 我們卻拘泥表象的無意義 一日結束的訊息 不應更加警惕?
我說:人命既已確定 命運早已決定 人心何不徜徉大自然的獻禮 吸收美麗的回憶?
他說:我的心思縝密 理性勝於感性 回憶確實珍貴
然而何必 於時空轉移的際遇 發自內心犒賞時間流失的影?
我說:太陽賦予生命 我你受此恩濟 才有現在論議
微微獻上敬意 致上虔誠心靈 洗滌當日塵埃 感受悅目情境
事實確實憂鬱 惟若調適理性 感性美化觀景 夕陽應為美藝
他說:與其讚嘆俗世瞬息萬變的風采 不如掌握自我實現的未來
與其陷入美感蓄意創造的假象 不如珍視逐漸流逝的存在
我說:你的牽連掩飾了幾分鐘的晚霞 你的言詞表露了無謂的誇大
未來雖較現在崇高 然比喻夕陽為消耗 風景為阻撓
略顯您的個性高傲 甚至無理取鬧
他說:生長於人海 處世做人實在 四面八方脈動 遠較停滯划得來
我並非討厭七色雲彩 更非漠視太陽關懷
只對人生道出感慨 為何時日不能倒帶?
我說:人的存在繫於生死線的長短 和造物者思維的評斷
我們只有順其自然 豐富自己不容緩 體驗生命的片段
夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏 不是憎恨日夜的交換 悲嘆人生苦短
而是高唱美好風景不頻繁 珍惜當下的燦爛
此時天邊揮灑剩餘的光輝 星空璀璨的闇夜呈現妖媚~
野性使我不斷叫囂 限制於狹窄的地盤難免煎熬
日常生活拘泥無聊 孤單寂寞乏味枯燥
偶而他們或許知曉 困於牢房易於焦躁
可能為我上緊發條 忍受隱瞞欺騙譏笑
攜出家鄉心境消遙 投身自由身體跳躍
喜樂形於我顏表 過去憂鬱不重要 世界廣闊又嫚妙
然而心酸總比歡樂少 吾個性懦弱也膽小
新事物雖具有亮麗外表 背後卻有風險環繞
加上它們四處警告 我的活動變得綁手綁腳
最後只能尋找 黑灰地帶的懷抱 此時發覺家裏好 安全溫暖壓力消
矛盾是我的寫照 未來仍然如此耗
不論是邏輯思考推演 或是法理哲學的概念
人人置於相同處境 應對方式不僅可能略有改變
步驟態度反應呈現 都得用單位作區辨
縱然如此 人的魅力在於得鑑別
若人類毫無分類 世界必然單純乏味不是滋味
生活環境血緣連線 古來影響人身甚廣
處世雖不完全相像 何不反觀其他面向?
欣賞造物巧手藝 人類文化多彩多藝
野性使我不斷叫囂 限制於狹窄的地盤難免煎熬
日常生活拘泥無聊 孤單寂寞乏味枯燥
偶而他們或許知曉 困於牢房易於焦躁
可能為我上緊發條 忍受隱瞞欺騙譏笑
攜出家鄉心境消遙 投身自由身體跳躍
喜樂形於我顏表 過去憂鬱不重要 世界廣闊又嫚妙
然而心酸總比歡樂少 吾個性懦弱也膽小
新事物雖具有亮麗外表 背後卻有風險環繞
加上它們四處警告 我的活動變得綁手綁腳
最後只能尋找 黑灰地帶的懷抱 此時發覺家裏好 安全溫暖壓力消
矛盾是我的寫照 未來仍然如此耗
不論是邏輯思考推演 或是法理哲學的概念
人人置於相同處境 應對方式不僅可能略有改變
步驟態度反應呈現 都得用單位作區辨
縱然如此 人的魅力在於得鑑別
若人類毫無分類 世界必然單純乏味不是滋味
生活環境血緣連線 古來影響人身甚廣
處世雖不完全相像 何不反觀其他面向?
欣賞造物巧手藝 人類文化多彩多藝
2008年3月14日 星期五
Mr. Children 旅立ちの唄

『旅立ちの唄』 Mr.Children 怖がらないで。
手当たり次第に灯り点けなくても いつか一人ぼっちの夜は明けていくよ
転んだ日は はるか遠くに感じていた景色も 起き上がってよく見ると なんか辿り着けそうじゃん
君の大好きだった歌 街に流れる それは偶然が僕にくれた さりげない贈り物
Ah 旅立ちの唄 さぁどこへ行こう? またどこかで出会えるね Ah とりあえず「さようなら」
自分が誰か分からなくなるとき 君に語りかけるよ
でも もし聞こえていたって 返事はいらないから
大切なものを失くしてまた手に入れて そんな繰り返しのようで その度 新しくて
「もうこれ以上 涙流したり 笑いあったり できない」 と言ってたって やっぱり 人恋しくて
今が大好きだって躊躇などしないで言える そんな風に日々を 刻んでゆこう どんな場所にいても
Ah はじまりを祝い 歌う最後の唄 僕は今手を振るよ Ah 悲しみにさようなら
疲れ果てて足が止まるとき 少しだけ振り返ってよ 手の届かない場所で 背中を押してるから
Ah 旅立ちの唄 さぁどこへ行こう? またどこかで出会えるね Ah とりあえず「さようなら」
自分が誰か忘れそうなとき ぼんやり想い出してよ ほら僕の体中 笑顔の君がいるから
背中を押しているから 笑顔の君がいるから
這是我目前最愛的日本歌曲 人們都說歌曲可以反映出一個人對現實社會的觀感和自身情緒的紓發 這首歌不但印證了這兩點 對我而言 它的歌詞更是表露了現時現地我自己的心理和處境 雖然意境可能和Mr. Children顯得有些不同 啟發的情感是最真實的收穫
2008年3月9日 星期日
推薦 幾本漫畫
コブクロ 蕾MV
<蕾> 作詞作曲:小渕健太郎 出演:コブクロ
涙 こぼしても 汗にまみれた笑顔の中じゃ
だから あなたの涙を僕は知らない
絶やす事無く 僕の心に 灯されていた
優しい明かりは あなたがくれた 理由なき愛のあかし
柔らかな日だまりが包む 背中に ポツリ 話しかけながら
きっと きっと きっと わかってたはずなのに
消えそうに 咲きそうな 蕾が 今年も僕を待ってる
掌じゃ 掴めない 風に踊る花びら
上手に乗せて 笑って見せた あなたを思い出す 一人
ビルの谷間に 埋もれた夢を いつか芽吹いて
花を咲かすだろう 信じた夢は 咲く場所を選ばない
僕等この街に落とされた影法師 みんな 光を探して
きっと きっと きっと 追い越せる日が来るさ
風のない 線路道 五月の美空は 青く寂しく
動かない ちぎれ雲 いつまでも浮かべてた
どこにも もう戻れない
僕のようだと ささやく風に キラリ舞い落ちてく 涙
散り際に もう一度 開く花びらは あなたのように
聴こえない 頑張れを 握った両手に 何度もくれた
消えそうに 咲きそうな 蕾が 今年も僕を待ってる
今もまだ 掴めない あなたと描いた夢
立ち止まる 僕のそばで
優しく開く 笑顔のような 蕾を探してる 空に
Sacramento Kings

Recent News:"This is the time when things turned sour last year," noted Theus, referring to the club's identical 27-32 record under Eric Musselman. "I'm well aware of that. I think it's fair to say that we've gained back a lot of the respect by competing and playing hard every night. That's worth fighting for."
It's true. It's not as miserable a season. In spite of the debilitating early injuries, Theus' inexperience and the occasional disruptions and chronic trade conversations involving Artest, these Kings are a far more entertaining bunch. Even their family feuds are fun, partly because their rookie coach, as a former actor, displays a healthy appreciation for arts and tradition: While awaiting the lottery and rebuilding, the idea is to create a diversion, preferably something suggesting a brighter future.
Yet with 23 games remaining, the mood has darkened. The spats seem nastier. The effort wavers, though somewhat understandably. The calendar is the fiercest opponent, particularly for veterans who do the math and can't count on a postseason.(http://www.sacbee.com/100/story/758034.html)
It's true. It's not as miserable a season. In spite of the debilitating early injuries, Theus' inexperience and the occasional disruptions and chronic trade conversations involving Artest, these Kings are a far more entertaining bunch. Even their family feuds are fun, partly because their rookie coach, as a former actor, displays a healthy appreciation for arts and tradition: While awaiting the lottery and rebuilding, the idea is to create a diversion, preferably something suggesting a brighter future.
Yet with 23 games remaining, the mood has darkened. The spats seem nastier. The effort wavers, though somewhat understandably. The calendar is the fiercest opponent, particularly for veterans who do the math and can't count on a postseason.(http://www.sacbee.com/100/story/758034.html)
Starcraft II

2008年3月8日 星期六
英雄傳說FC 星の在り処
A short introduction of Falcom's next serial <英雄伝説ー空の軌跡SC> Not only does it present us with partial images of the main characters and their homeland, it also draws out(in Japanese) the layout and magnitude of the whole scenario. The heartwarming music then attracts RPG loyalists to fall for the whole definition of the game. And what is more inspiring than "True Love"?
San Francisco Giants 2008

A messed up 2007 which was surrounded by the media because of several reasons have calmed down. Not that Barry Bonds' historical home run record could be easily forgotten, but in most part, 2007 was a year worth leaving behind. Problems such as Zito's huge and unprofitable signing, Bonds' legal allegations and the team finishing dead last in the division don't seem like memorable incidents. So this year, after finally letting Barry move(as much as I adore him) , protecting the young pitching staff and bringing in a new face(Rowand), the Giants look like their on the brink of rebuilding the whole organization. Although putting in young players could lead to growing pains, and leftovers such as Aurillia, Roberts, Vizquel, Molina and Winn still make the Giants an old team. At least they showed that they're willing to end the era of Bonds. And that's the determination which the new team should embrace.
San Francisco Giants Projected Lineup
SP Starting Five:
1. Barry Zito: A more relaxed year could pay dividends
2. Matt Cain: One more step before becoming the staff ace
3. Tim Lincecum: The young flame-thrower must avoid injuries
4. Noah Lowry: Surgery always sounds bad
5. Kevin Correia: Hope he can repeat last years' efferts
RP Long Relief, Setup, Closer:
1. Johnathan Sanchez: The odd man out of the rotation, right back in when someone gets hurt
2. Brad Hennessey: Last year seemed steady but not overpowering
3. Brian Wilson: The Closer of the future gets his turn
1B Dan Ortmeier: First extended role would show what he's made of
2B Ray Durham: A rebound seems desperate
3B Kevin Frandson: New role, at least it's extended
C Bengie Molina: Hope for a repeat of last year's glamorous offense
SS Omar Vizquel: Defensive wizard worthy of the Hall
LF Randy Winn: Steady, but can he keep it that way?
CF Aaron Rowand: All out play shoes energy, but power may fall
RF Nate Sheirholtz: Rookies' first shot at a regular spot
Bench OF Dave Roberts, Fred Lewis, Rajai Davis IF Rich Aurillia, Eugenio Velez C Eliezer Alfonzo
Mr. Children くるみ MV
這首歌是我死黨介紹的Mr.Children歌曲中我最先接觸的一首 也是我認真開始學習日文時所碰到的第一首 MV裡面的故事不但有些風趣有些感動 有些哀傷有些搞笑 訴說音樂可能帶來的縭絆和蹉跎光陰的換來的傷感 跟現實社會上的某些人們的問題有者共同的聯想 發人省思 回味無窮 我相信這是不錯的分享 希望也能促起其他人對人生有多一點的想像
信長之野望系列十二代 <革新>






コブクロ ここにしか咲かない花 只在此處綻放的花

何も無い場所だけれど ここにしか咲かない花がある
心にくくりつけた荷物を 静かに降ろせる場所
空の色映し出した 瑠璃色の海 遥かから聞こえる
あなたの笑い声は よく聴けば 波の音でした
寂しさ隠せずにいるなら 一人になればいい
囁くほどの声で呼んでいるのは いつも 同じ名前
あの優しかった場所は今でも 変らずに 僕を待ってくれていますか?
最後まで笑顔で 何度も振り返り 遠ざかる姿に 唇 噛み締めた
今はこみ上げる 寂寞の思いに 潤んだ世界を 拭ってくれる
指先を 待っている
影が教えてくれるのは そこにある悲しみだけじゃない
うつむく顔を上げて振り返れば そこにある光に気付くだろう
同じ数の出会いと別れ でも割り切れなくて
余るほどの想い出をいつまでも 胸に咲かせながら
雨上がりの道は泥濘るむけれど 今ここに 生きている証を刻むよ
どうかこの涙を しおれかけの花に 喜びの彼方でもう一度咲けるように
願いは海風に 吹かれて大空へ やがて小さな 虹をわたるよ
いつの日か その足で
ここにしか咲かない花 ここにしか吹かない風
ここでしか聴けない歌 ここでしか見えないもの
ここにしか咲かない花 ここにしか吹かない風
あの優しかった場所は今でも 変らずに 僕を待ってくれていますか?
ふいに込み上げる 寂寞の想いに 潤んだ世界を拭ってくれる
雨上がりの道は泥濘(ぬか)るむけれど 今ここに 生きている証を刻むよ
いつかこの涙も 寂寞の想いも 忘れ去られそうな時代の傷跡も
燦然と輝く あけもどろの中に 風が運んで 星にかわる
そんな日を 待っている

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